Plotting Graphical Evaluation Tools for Probabilistic Models


A quick overview plot with panels for all graphical evaluation methods provided for probabilistic (regression) model objects. If plot = TRUE, the resulting objects are plotted by plot or autoplot before they are returned within a single list, depending on whether the package ggplot2 is loaded.


  plot = TRUE,
  class = NULL,
  newdata = NULL,
  na.action = na.pass,
  which = NULL,
  ask = dev.interactive(),
  spar = TRUE,
  single_page = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame(),


object An object supported by “procast”.
plot Should the plot or autoplot method be called to draw all chosen plots? Either set plot expicitly to “base” vs. “ggplot2” to choose the type of plot, or for a logical plot argument it’s chosen conditional if the package ggplot2 is loaded.
class Should the invisible return value be either a data.frame or a tibble. Either set class expicitly to “data.frame” vs. “tibble”, or for NULL it’s chosen automatically conditional if the package tibble is loaded.
newdata optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the original observations are used.
na.action function determining what should be done with missing values in newdata. The default is to employ NA.
which Character or integer, selects the type of plot: “rootogram” graphically compares (square roots) of empirical frequencies with fitted frequencies from a probability model, “pithist” compares empirical probabilities from fitted models with a uniform distribution, “reliagram” shows a reliability diagram for assessing the reliability of a fitted probabilistic distributional forecast, “qqrplot” shows a quantile-quantile plot of quantile residuals, and “wormplot” shows a worm plot using quantile resiudals.
ask For multiple plots, the user is asked to show the next plot. Argument is ignored for ggplot2 style graphics.
spar Should graphical parameters be set? Will be ignored for ggplot2 style graphics.
single_page Logical. Should all plots be shown on a single page? Only choice for ggplot2 style graphics.
envir environment, default is parent.frame()
Arguments to be passed to rootogram, pithist, reliagram, qqrplot, and wormplot.


Render the diagnostic graphics rootogram, pithist, reliagram qqrplot, and wormplot.


A list containing the objects plotted conditional on the arguemnt which.

See Also

rootogram, pithist, reliagram qqrplot, wormplot



data("CrabSatellites", package = "countreg")
CrabSatellites2 <- CrabSatellites[CrabSatellites$satellites <= 1, ]

m1 <- glm(satellites ~ width + color, data = CrabSatellites, family = poisson)
m2 <- glm(satellites ~ width + color, data = CrabSatellites2, family = binomial)

## ggplot2 graphics
topmodels(m1, single_page = TRUE, nsim = 30, plot = "ggplot2")

topmodels(m2, single_page = TRUE, nsim = 30, plot = "ggplot2")