Residuals Method for betareg Objects


Extract various types of residuals from beta regression models: raw response residuals (observed - fitted), Pearson residuals (raw residuals scaled by square root of variance function), deviance residuals (scaled log-likelihood contributions), and different kinds of weighted residuals suggested by Espinheira et al. (2008).


## S3 method for class 'betareg'
residuals(object, type = c("quantile",
  "deviance", "pearson", "response", "weighted", "sweighted", "sweighted2"),


object fitted model object of class “betareg”.
type character indicating type of residuals.
currently not used.


The default residuals (starting from version 3.2-0) are quantile residuals as proposed by Dunn and Smyth (1996) and explored in the context of beta regression by Pereira (2017). In case of extended-support beta regression with boundary observations at 0 and/or 1, the quantile residuals for the boundary observations are randomized.

The definitions of all other residuals are provided in Espinheira et al. (2008): Equation 2 for “pearson”, last equation on page 409 for “deviance”, Equation 6 for “weighted”, Equation 7 for “sweighted”, and Equation 8 for “sweighted2”.

Espinheira et al. (2008) recommend to use “sweighted2”, hence this was the default prior to version 3.2-0. However, these are rather burdensome to compute because they require operations of \(O(n^2)\) and hence are typically prohibitively costly in large sample. Also they are not available for extended-support beta regression. Finally, Pereira (2017) found quantile residuals to have better distributional properties.


Cribari-Neto F, Zeileis A (2010). Beta Regression in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 34(2), 1–24. doi:10.18637/jss.v034.i02

Dunn PK, Smyth GK (1996). Randomized Quantile Residuals. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5(3), 236–244. doi:10.2307/1390802

Espinheira PL, Ferrari SLP, Cribari-Neto F (2008). On Beta Regression Residuals. Journal of Applied Statistics, 35(4), 407–419. doi:10.1080/02664760701834931

Ferrari SLP, Cribari-Neto F (2004). Beta Regression for Modeling Rates and Proportions. Journal of Applied Statistics, 31(7), 799–815. doi:10.1080/0266476042000214501

Pereira GHA (2017). On Quantile Residuals in Beta Regression. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 48(1), 302–316. doi:10.1080/03610918.2017.1381740

Kosmidis I, Zeileis A (2024). Extended-Support Beta Regression for [0, 1] Responses. 2409.07233, E-Print Archive. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.07233

See Also




options(digits = 4)

data("GasolineYield", package = "betareg")

gy <- betareg(yield ~ gravity + pressure + temp10 + temp, data = GasolineYield)

gy_res <- cbind(
  "quantile"   = residuals(gy, type = "quantile"),
  "pearson"    = residuals(gy, type = "pearson"),
  "deviance"   = residuals(gy, type = "deviance"),
  "response"   = residuals(gy, type = "response"),
  "weighted"   = residuals(gy, type = "weighted"),
  "sweighted"  = residuals(gy, type = "sweighted"),
  "sweighted2" = residuals(gy, type = "sweighted2")

           quantile pearson deviance response weighted sweighted sweighted2
quantile     1.0000  0.9980   0.9997   0.9659   0.9995    0.9995     0.9980
pearson      0.9980  1.0000   0.9984   0.9739   0.9956    0.9956     0.9941
deviance     0.9997  0.9984   1.0000   0.9682   0.9989    0.9989     0.9976
response     0.9659  0.9739   0.9682   1.0000   0.9609    0.9609     0.9652
weighted     0.9995  0.9956   0.9989   0.9609   1.0000    1.0000     0.9985
sweighted    0.9995  0.9956   0.9989   0.9609   1.0000    1.0000     0.9985
sweighted2   0.9980  0.9941   0.9976   0.9652   0.9985    0.9985     1.0000