
method computation arguments plotting arguments output
rootogram() object, newdata, plot, class, response_type, breaks, width style1, scale1, fitted1, ref1, xlab1, ylab1, main1, ... observed, expected, mid, width
pithist() object, newdata, plot, class, trafo1, breaks, type1, nsim, delta, simint1,2, simint_level, simint_nrep simint1,2, style1, freq1, confint1, ref1, xlab1, ylab1, main1, ... observed, mid, width, simint_lwr, simint_upr
qqrplot() object, newdata, plot, class, detrend1, trafo1, nsim, delta, simint1,2, simint_level, simint_nrep simint1,2, confint1, ref1, xlab1, ylab1, main1, ... observed, expected, simint_observed_lwr, simint_observed_upr, simint_expected

1: Setting is saved within attributes of the returned object. Hence, plot(<object>) renders a graphic with the arguments saved in the attributes.

2: Argument is used both for computation and plotting.

combine vector of attribute values single attribute value
c.rootogram() fitted, ref, xlab, ylab, main style, scale
c.pithist() simint, confint, ref, counts, xlab, ylab, main type, trafo3, style, freq
c.qqrplot() simint, confint, ref, xlab, ylab, main detrend, trafo3

3: Non-unique attribute values can’t be comined.

summary arguments return values extended return values
summary.rootogram() object, scale, style, extend observed, expected, mid, width ymin, ymax
summary.pithist() object, freq, confint_level, confint_type, extend observed, mid, width, simint_upr, simint_lwr confint_lwr, confint_upr, ref
summary.qqrplot() object, detrend observed, expected, simint_observed_lwr, simint_observed_upr, simint_expected

Plotting with base R

plot arguments (main) arguments (add ons)
plot.rootogram() x, style, scale, fitted, ref, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, axes, box, col, border, lwd, lty, alpha_min, ... fitted_col, fitted_pch, fitted_lty, fitted_lwd, ref_col, ref_lty, ref_lwd
plot.pithist() x, single_graph, style, freq, simint, confint, confint_level, confint_type, ref, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, axes, box, col, border, lwd, lty, alpha_min, ... simint_col, simint_lty, simint_lwd, confint_col, confint_lty, confint_lwd, ref_col, ref_lty, ref_lwd
plot.qqrplot() x, single_graph, detrend, simint, confint, confint_level, ref, ref_identity, ref_probs, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, axes, box, col, border, pch, ... simint_col, simint_alpha, confint_col, confint_lty, confint_lwd, ref_col, ref_lty, ref_lwd

Plotting with ggplot2

autoplot arguments (main) arguments (add ons)
autoplot.rootogram() object, style, scale, fitted, ref, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, legend, theme, colour, fill, size, linetype, alpha, ... fitted_colour, fitted_size, fitted_linetype, fitted_alpha, fitted_fill, fitted_stroke, fitted_shape, ref_colour, ref_size, ref_linetype, ref_alpha
autoplot.pithist() object, single_graph, style, freq, simint, confint, confint_level, confint_type, ref, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, legend, theme, colour, fill, size, linetype, alpha simint_colour, simint_size, simint_linetype, simint_alpha, confint_colour, confint_fill, confint_size, confint_linetype, confint_alpha, ref_colour, ref_size, ref_linetype, ref_alpha
autoplot.qqrplot() object, single_graph, detrend, simint, confint, confint_level, ref, ref_identity, ref_probs, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, legend, theme, colour, fill, shape, size, stroke, ... simint_fill, simint_alpha, confint_colour, confint_fill, confint_size, confnt_linetype, confint_alpha, ref_colour, ref_size, ref_linetype
geom_<…> inherits geom aes stat_<…> stat aes
geom_rootogram() GeomRect xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax stat_rootogram() observed, expected, mid, width
geom_rootogram_fitted() GeomPath x, y stat_rootogram_fitted() expected, mid
geom_rootogram_ref() GeomHline yintercept = 0 Identity
geom_pithist() with style = "bar" or style = "line" GeomTile or GeomStep x, y or x, y, width, height stat_pithist() x, y, width
geom_pithist_ref() GeomStep x, y stat_pithist_ref() x, y, width
geom_pithist_confint() with style = "polygon" or style = "line" GeomRect or GeomStep xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax or x, ymin, ymax stat_pithist_confint() x, y, width
geom_pithist_simint() GeomLinerange x, ymin, ymax stat_pithist_simint() x, ymin, ymax plus y and width required for freq = FALSE
geom_qqrplot() Geom x, y Identity
geom_qqrplot_simint() GeomPolygon x, y stat_qqrplot_simint() x, ymin, ymax
geom_qqrplot_ref() GeomAbline slope, intercept stat_qqrplot_ref() x, y
geom_qqrplot_confint() with style = "polygon" or style = "line" GeomPolygon or GeomPath x_noaes, y_noaes stat_qqrplot_confint() x, `y
