Visualizing Coefficient Paths for Boosted crch Models


Plot paths of coefficients or log-likelihood contributions for crch.boost models.


## S3 method for class 'crch.boost'
plot(x, loglik = FALSE, 
  standardize = TRUE, which = c("both", "location", "scale"), 
  mstop = NULL, coef.label = TRUE, col = NULL, ...)


x an object of class “crch.boost”.
loglik logical whether log-likelihood contribution shall be plotted instead of coefficient value.
standardize logical whether coefficients shall be standardized. Not used if loglik = TRUE
which which coefficients: “location” and “scale” plots only the coefficients for the location and scale part of the model respectively. “both” plots the coefficient paths of both parts in one graph.
mstop Stopping iteration for which a vertical line is plotted. Possible choices are “max”, “aic”, “bic”, “cv”, “all”, or “no”. Default is the stopping iteration used for fitting.
coef.label logical whether paths shall be labeled.
col Color(s) for the paths. If which=“both” a vector of two colors where the paths for the location are plotted in the first color and for the scale in the second color.
further arguments passed to plot.ts.

See Also
